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So What's the Plan?

Pre-Season (June - September 12)

-Compete in multiple CAD Challenges (CDC, Robots to the Rescue, CCC)

-Design multiple chassis (mecanum and 6 wheel drive) for the upcoming season

-Pre-emptively machine the best chassis design prior to September 12th 

-Solicit donations to ensure that the team can compete at the highest level throughout the season

-Solicit machining companies that are willing to provide help machining parts

-Determine meeting location (whose basement we're commandeering for the next year)

-Design this website, and remain active on social media and in the community

-Program odometry and a modified pure pursuit controller

-Write college essays and submit applications ASAP so that members can concentrate on robotics

Build Season (September 12-November 16)

-Learn and understand the tasks that our competition requires us to do (September 12 release)

-Strategize and prototype the best ways to complete the tasks

-Fully design and render a robot that can complete these tasks in CAD

-Program the robot's sensors and motors to achieve maximum potential during matches using odometry and various sensors

-Manufacture all required custom parts, purchase any missing COTS parts, and assemble for competition

-Practice driving the robot for at least a week prior to competition

"The Stretch"(November 16-February ??)

-Attend each month's competition and post scores in the top 3 teams

-Continue iterating the robot to ensure that we remain at the top of our competition

-Effectively document the robot's design process in preparation for our league competition in February

-Practice, practice, and yet more practice

-Win our league competition in February, as well as either the Think award or the Inspire Award


States(March 15?)

-Go undefeated at states

-Become a division captain, and eventually win our division 

-Beat the other division captain in the state finals match and advance to the world championship

-Win nomination of a design award

Worlds (April 20?)

-Represent Bergen County and NJ at an international level

-Everything past this point is just a bonus 

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